
Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to the Year 3 Class page. Here, you will find all the information you need to know about what we will be doing in Year 3 this year and further information of how you can support your child at home.


Our Team


Remember: it’s really important to be at school every day, on time and ready to learn.

Year 4 marks the half way point of primary school and is one of the most exciting year groups in their primary school journey! There is so much to look forward to this year: an exciting new curriculum, opportunities to explore our local

Class Information


Year 4 have PE lessons on Tuesday and Wednesday each week. Please make sure that your child brings their PE kit on these days so that they can engage fully in their lesson.


Year 4 take their multiplication check this year. Please ensure they are using Times Table Rock Stars each week to practise their timestables. If you require any further information, please ask your child's class teacher.


In year 4 we promote reading for pleasure and aim to offer our children a wide range of exciting, recent children’s literature. It is essential that children read at home too, either to you or independently at least three times each week. 

Our Curriculum