Mrs. C. O'Neill - SENDCO - Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs. L. Poulter - Asst. SENDCO
Miss R. Tiffany - Teaching Assistant (SALT)
Mrs. L. Padgett - Asst. SENDCO
Welcome to our SEN page! Here you will find a wealth of information and links to support your child and inform you about supporting children with Special Educational Needs.
At Sharp Lane Primary School, we pride ourselves on the fantastic provision we can offer our pupils. The SEND team work in tandem with our Inclusion Team, who meet weekly to discuss the provision in place for pupils, to help to support children and families with a variety of needs.
Sharp Lane buys in additional time with our Speech and Language therapist every week to support our children and develop our staff. We have several teaching assistants who deliver speech and language interventions to children on a 1 to 1 basis.
As a school, we recognise the importance of working closely with outside professionals such as; Educational Psychologists (EPs), SENIT, Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists (OTs) and we also work in close partnership with the Rothwell Cluster to support families and pupils with their needs.
Staff in school, work closely with the SEND team to ensure that all pupils are accessing learning at an appropriately challenging level. In some cases, pupils access specific, tailored support to suit their individual needs. Within school, a variety of staff are currently being trained to deliver a variety of interventions recommended by the EEF. These include:
Sharp Lane is COMMITTED to all of its pupils and works hard to ensure that every single child is given the opportunities they deserve to be successful. We have created a bespoke curriculum that encourages and supports pupils in becoming ASPIRATIONAL members of the community. Our SEND pupils are encouraged to DISCOVER the world and we ensure that they are included in all activities that take place in school including residential visits and every aspect of the Sharp Lane Journey. We BELIEVE that every child matters and we work tirelessly to ensure that we keep the needs of pupils at the centre of everything that we do!
When we work with pupils with SEND, we use a graduated response and this informs the provision that we put in place. Below is a diagram showing the approach that we use
We are constantly looking at ways to further enhance our provision and develop our team. We aim to add more information and useful documents to this page. Should you have any questions regarding your child, please speak to your class teacher first then, if needed, make an appointment with the SENDCo using the email address. Please title your email FAO:SENDCo.
Comments on SEND Provision from past inspection
“Leaders have high ambitions for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Teachers adapt learning well so that pupils with SEND fully participate in lessons. Skilled teaching assistants support pupils to be successful, while encouraging independence.” November 2019