
Welcome to Reception

Welcome to the Reception Class page. Here, you will find all the information you need to know about what we will be doing in Reception this year and further information of how you can support your child at home.



Tapestry is a secure online Learning Journey to record photos, videos and comments, in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, to build up a record of your child's experiences during their time with us. Parents/carers will be be given an account which will allow you to see what your child has been doing in Nursery.  

Outdoor Learning: 

Outdoor learning in early years (EYFS) can help children develop their communication, social, and physical skills. It can also help them build confidence, self-esteem, and emotional well-being. The children regularly access the large EYFS playground and the garden during all weathers. Please provide wellies and extra clothes that are clearly labelled for your child. 


Floppy's Phonics: 

In Reception, children learn the skills to decode words by sounding out and blending the sounds together during our Phonics lessons. Children in Reception are taught to recognise and read phase 2 and phase 3 sounds including the high frequency words (also known as tricky words).  They are also taught to write words and sentences including the newly taught sounds. Here is a helpful website to give your child fun opportunities to practise reading and spelling  



Each child is given a book each week that is linked to the phonic sounds previously taught along with a reading record. Please read with your child at least 3 times a week and bring their reading book to school everyday. 




Each class has a weekly P.E lesson and children need to bring their P.E kit to school. Children will get changed at school to encourage children to become independent. 

Fletcher class have their P.E lessons every Tuesday

Freedman class have their P.E lessons every Wednesday

Carle class have their P.E lessons every Thursday


Here is what your child will be learning in Reception...

Reception's Long Term Plan

LTP 24- 25.docx .docx

The Progression of Skills

English progression of skills 1.docx .docx
Maths Progression of skills 2.docx .docx
Progression of skills communication.docx .docx
Expressive arts long term plan.docx .docx
PSED Progression of skills 1.docx .docx
Physical progression of skills 1.docx .docx
Understanding of the world progression of skills 1.docx .docx

Development Matters

Development Matters.pdf .pdf

Here are some ways you can support your child's development:

  • Encourage your child to write their name 
  • Encourage your child to orally blend the sounds together such as c-a-t is cat
  • Encourage your child to subitise quantities up to 5 (recognise different amounts without counting)
  • Encourage your child to recognise numerals and letters in the environment
  • Encourage your child to write short words and sentences when they are developmentally ready 
  • Encourage your child to add detail to their drawings 
  • Encourage your child to extend their sentences verbally by including conjunctions such as I like ____ because____. 
  • Encourage your child to read at least 3 times a week at home.