
Our Intent in Reading


At Sharp Lane Primary School, we recognise the importance of READING as a skill and tool to allow children to access the world around them. 


Our Intent for our pupils is to be ASPIRATIONAL by developing a love for reading. We will equip them with the skills to read with expression, accuracy, rate and smoothness. The children will be given the skills to decode the words, explain the vocabulary used, retrieve information from the text, use their inference skills and discuss the writer’s choice of words and layout.


We want our children to BELIEVE in themselves and read for enjoyment.


Our children COMMIT themselves to their learning by applying the knowledge and skills they have learnt in phonics and DERIC lessons to read and understand a variety of different genres.


We allow our children to explore and DISCOVER a wide variety of texts and genres. We want children to find out about different authors and their writing styles.

Reading at Sharp Lane Primary School


The Sharp Lane Library has had an amazing refurbishment and we are really looking forward to the children accessing all the resources. It is an inviting place to enjoy reading and I’m sure that all the children will get great pleasure from visiting weekly.

Our new journey themed reading areas are a hit with the children.

Reading in unusual places


Sharp Lane Primary School

Reading Record Comments


Dear Parents and Carers,


Firstly, thank you for your support with your child’s learning at home. Many of the children are excited every morning to show us what they have been reading at home. The children will bring home a reading book and a reading record book. The reading record book is a way for you to record the reading that your child does with you at home.


Attached is a guide to help you when writing in a child’s reading record to describe how and what they have read. To build a realistic picture and encourage each child appropriately, it is essential to record both positive and developmental comments, which will help them improve. The statements below are just a guide; please feel free to alter the wording and write what best suits the reading experience. Thank you in advance for your help as your comments are a valuable way to communicate your child’s learning with your child’s class teacher.


A Guide for Reading Record Comments

a-guide-for-reading-record-comments.docx .docx

Reading is of high-importance at Sharp Lane. It is a skill which underpins a child’s ability to access the wider curriculum and allows them to broaden their vocabulary and develop vivid imaginations. To ensure that pupils at Sharp Lane are given the best opportunity to succeed, we ensure that pupils a given daily reading teaching that builds skills in fluency and comprehension (DERIC) and additional reading for pleasure time (Accelerated Reader).


What is DERIC?


DERIC is a whole class reading approach that equips pupils with the necessary skills to be successful readers. It focuses on building fluency and embedding comprehension skills with direct, taught sessions. DERIC stands for; Decode, Explain, Retrieve, Interpret and Choice. These are all closely linked to the assessed strands at the End of Key Stage tests.


When teaching, there is one learning objective for the whole class based on the same text. The activities or level of support is adapted for different abilities so that all children can access the learning objective and be challenged. Sometimes, texts are part of a class book or at other times they are poems or non-fiction articles depending on the writing focus. The whole class reading approach supports the rapid progress of lower ability readers. Research suggests this is due to exposure to higher-level questions and answers. Pictorial stimuli or activities which are designed to have a comprehension focus but reduce the amount of decoding can also be used to support SEND/EAL pupils.


To ensure that the approach is effective, Learning Objectives are taken from the Rising Stars Progression framework that link to the National Curriculum or from question level analysis conducted by Senior Leaders and class teachers. Sharp Lane Primary School promotes the use of a variety of carefully selected literature that is matched to the attainment level of pupils. These texts have a subtle challenge and allow pupils to reinforce fluency, decoding and comprehension skills regularly.


Additional opportunities are provided for pupils to practise and extend reading in other subjects. Pupils select texts under the guidance of the teacher or teaching assistant for independent and home/school reading. Teachers monitor independent reading and discuss progress with individual pupils on a regular basis.




All classrooms have book areas that are stocked with a range of fiction and non-fiction texts.  The school library has a selection of reading material and computer software, from which children are able to take out books on loan. Additionally, our school makes regular use of the services offered by Leeds Library Services to extend our own reading resources.


In Foundation Stage and KS1 the schemes used are:

  • Phonics Bug & Bug Club (for phonic decoding)
  • Jelly & Bean (for phonic decoding)
  • Oxford Reading Tree
  • Project X
  • Rigby Star


In KS2 or KS1 if appropriate, pupils continue to progress through the School Reading Scheme until they have completed it and are then able to become free readers. Resources appropriate for SEND pupils are also available.


Reading for Pleasure

Children at Sharp Lane Primary School deserve a rich curriculum that encourages a love of literature. All classes share class novels (in their entirety where possible) and are given access to a wide range of texts throughout the curriculum. We believe that active encouragement of reading for pleasure is a core part of every child's educational entitlement, whatever their background or attainment because we know that extensive reading and exposure to a wide range of texts make a huge contribution to students' educational achievement.

Accelerated Reader Useful Information for Parents 

Accelerated Reader Book Finder

Parent's Guide to Accelerated Reader

A Parents Guide to Accelerated Reader.pdf .pdf
Accelerated Reader What Parents need to Know.pdf .pdf